Finding a firm to handle your associations’ assurance and tax needs isn’t a simple task.
Where do you look?
What do they cost?
And even more importantly, what exactly do they do?
And if you’re a management company, wouldn’t it be great to make this process as easy as possible for your managers?
When it comes time to start gathering proposals, make sure you select a firm who has the knowledge and understanding of your HOA process. A streamlined process can make all the difference in the world.
Why Selecting a CPA Firm which focuses on HOAs is so important?
Let’s face it.
There are a ton of CPA firms out there who provide assurance and tax services. Audits, reviews, compilations, forensic and tax services are pretty common. The real question is does the firm know or even understand the specific details involved when providing these services to an HOA.
Here are some important questions to ask yourself when researching for the perfect CPA firm for your HOA.
- Does the CPA Firm understand the specific language involved with my Homeowners Association (HOA)?
- Will they provide the details needed so that I can easily get an approval from my board?
- Can I count on them to help me along the way so that I understand what my board needs from me?
- Will they be around beyond just my year end needs?
HOA Experience Matters
A lot goes into providing year end reports so working with a firm who knows the little details can really make a difference.
But does it really?
Yes… document gathering can go from “blah to aha” in a snap when you can rely on the experience of professionals to guide you.
Plus, when you work with seasoned professionals, they know you are on a time crunch. So, performing their required services in a timely and efficient manner helps you get through the process much faster.
Be proud!
You know you will be able to provide your board with a solid proposal that will be approved so you can move on to supporting your association in so many other ways.
It Shouldn’t Be a One and Done for the Year
They say knowledge is power!
And when it comes to your association’s assurance and tax needs that is important. You want to make sure you select a CPA firm that is invested in giving you the power to be successful with your board and your association well beyond the annual service needs.
Why is that important?
Understanding the different types of assurance and tax services, staying abreast of the various tax timelines and rulings as well as ensuring efficiency, all create a value added service your association can provide your board.
But where do you get the information?
An HOA CPA firm solely dedicated to helping HOAs beyond their annual year ends can help provide you with that sort of information. Ongoing education and training is really important so the annual process can be streamlined.
How does that help you exactly?
It makes your life easier when it comes to your homeowners association’s assurance and tax needs.
Newman Certified Public Accountant, PC is a firm dedicated to making your life easier. Driven by integrity to perform reliable services, involved passion to create a unique and unparalleled experience and inspired greatness to share knowledge, we continuously strive to go above and beyond.
So, when it comes to selecting a CPA firm, don’t just select anyone to handle your assurance and tax needs. You want to select a firm that is an HOA CPA focused firm.
Learn more about the Newman HOA CPA Process Simplified by downloading our free guide. Find out the considerable difference when you have a streamlined process for your assurance and tax needs. You’ll love it and your board will too.